Privacy policy

Personal data collected
  • Reason for trip
  • Composition of the travel group
  • Business information
  • Information about your stay
  • Satisfaction during your stay
  • Satisfaction after your stay
  • Recommendations for the surrounding area
Personal data usage
  • Receive documentation about the hotel and/or its group
  • Receipt of follow-up e-mails for the purposes of satisfaction surveys and/or prospecting
  • Improving our customer care and service
  • Booking an online service
  • Statistics processing
  • Accounting and management of our hotel
Data sharing
  • Availpro SAS (43531898500049) – 14-16 BD POISSONNIERE 75009 PARIS : Booking creation
  • Medialog (34530661700043) – 150 BD MASSENA 75013 PARIS : Booking registration
  • Progress9 (798 181 699 00017) – 54, Rue de Clichy 75009 Paris : Customer satisfaction
  • Figestel SARL (50220869700024) – 36 RUE DU MONTCEL 95430 AUVERS SUR OISE : Hotel management
Your Rights
  • Send an e-mail to the hotel
  • Sending a letter to the hotel
  • Direct contact with one of the above service providers